How to Stop Mildew from Growing in the Bathroom

Mold can grow in any part of the bathroom. Most of the time, it grows in the nooks and crannies, but it can also grow on the tiles. Mold usually grows in bathrooms because of high humidity, but it can also grow there because of poor hygiene. In a bathroom, humidity tends to gather around the shower, the toilet, the pipes, and any surfaces that come into contact with water, like the tiles, walls, floor, and ceiling.

How can you keep mildew from growing in the bathroom? It’s important to clean thoroughly and frequently and to follow some basic safety rules.

Signs of a Moldy Bathroom

Mold isn’t always obvious at first glance. When there are only a few mold spores or they are just starting to grow, we can tell by the smell that they are there. It’s also a good idea to check the tiles because a porous layer could form in the spaces between them.

How to Keep Mold from Your Bathroom

To stop mold from spreading, the relative humidity should be kept low. Because of this, there are some safety precautions that can’t be ignored:

  1. Check to see if there are any leaks in the bathroom. You can do this as you clean other parts of the house.
  2. All hard surfaces, like tile floors and walls, need to be cleaned and then dried.
  3. It is important to clean soft surfaces like the shower curtain on a regular basis.
  4. Make sure the curtain or door to the shower cubicle is pulled all the way back and shut completely when you take a shower to limit how much water gets on the floor and walls.
  5. Make sure the room has enough airflow by keeping the doors and windows open after each shower.
  6. After you’re done with your shower, you should clean up and dry the room.
  7. After hanging the mats and towels outside so they can get some fresh air, bring them back inside and rearrange them only when they are no longer damp.
  8. Install a fan that turns on when you are in the shower.

Tips for Cleaning a Moldy Bathroom

It’s not always necessary to use traditional detergents that you can buy in stores to get rid of mold. There are natural medicines that have been shown to work just as well as their synthetic counterparts, and they don’t hurt the environment either.

After figuring out that mold is growing in the cracks and other places, use a toothbrush that has been dipped in a mixture of the juice of half a lemon, 100 milliliters of vinegar, and 250 milliliters of water. If the mold doesn’t come out easily, add baking soda.

Using one cup of baking soda and one cup of white vinegar, wash the shower curtain regularly in the washing machine. If it is plastic, it is best to let it soak in water with detergent and vinegar for a while. Make sure it’s completely dry before you start putting it together.